Friday 30 April 2010

Welcome to RMT Heathrow Taxis...

Hello from the RMT London Taxi Branch and all our members at Heathrow Airport we at the RMT are the most democratic union you'll find here in the United Kingdom.

We believe in giving you a Voice and Vote and my god doesn't this trade need a dose of democracy. Now back on the main blog the last post dealt with an issue regarding the misuse of the word TAXI and we are pleased to hear via the Director of Taxis and Private Hire that this will be changing and BAA will be altering their websites.

We shall wait and see now all we need is for a certain private hire company to understand they are not TAXIS and obey the signage on the M4 Bus lane. Please note members of the RMT London Taxi Branch will be attending a meeting with senior civil servants regarding this matter/issue.

Heathrow Airport is a unique place and if taxi-cab drivers didn't understand the importance of the feeder park/ranks well the recent volcanic activity showed how fragile the London taxi trade is at this moment. Fact is we need each other and we need to work alongside each other if we are to solve the many issues/problems we all face whether we work in town or Heathrow.

Join the only union/organisation that will give you a Voice and Vote, join the RMT at or email a request with your details to .


  1. Great to see the new RMT Heathrow Taxi Blogspot!!!

    This is the way forward! All drivers at Heathrow now have a place to get news and information about how their work-place is being affected by current last.

    Well done RMT for giving ALL Heathrow drivers a place where they can cut through all the rumours and fantasy stories affecting their livelihoods.

    Be Lucky, Mick Moran.

  2. Despite the campaign to discredit the RMT London Taxi Branch, we are going from strength to strength!!!

    The latest attempt to undermine the hard work and dedication of honest taxi drivers can be found on the Nissen Hut Blogspot where a page from the official RMT website is used to try, yet again, to undermine our good work.

    It high-lights a section of one page where you can read;

    " Question 1 – Is there a case to extend the Domestic Rules to other sectors that are currently out of scope/exempt?

    RMT’s view is that all drivers who carry passengers should be covered by rules governing maximum driving time and rest breaks. There is therefore a case for considering extending rules to cover taxis/private hire vehicles."

    What the Nissen Hut fails to do is to show you what is written next! This can be read below;

    "Our view, however, is that any such move should be carefully considered and involve the participation of the whole trade. We believe that should the DfT decide to consider the issue, it should hold a separate consultation exercise that deals specifically with taxis and private hire vehicles."

    If the Nissen Hut had included this extra piece of information, a completely different picture would have emerged!!! But, alas, the old classic ploy of taking things out of context is being used to discredit a thoroughly worthy organisation.

    Join the RMT London Taxi Branch, come to our branch meetings and you will come away with a very positive feeling that the RMT truly is the only organisation that can address the many issues that the London taxi trade face.

  3. Good work....Nice bright orange bib pic......but don't you think that a picture that profiles the Airport ought to include something that gives a hint to Aeroplanes as the location neven if it is only a small plane on the bib????

  4. The BAA website "Taxi" link leads to, not only taxis, but also two PHV websites!!!

    This is unlawful, and the RMT will make sure that this is changed. No association with mini-cabs can be accepted on a "Taxi" link anywhere.

    BAA, we are watching, and we will oppose any dilution of our status at Heathrow and any other location where we have the right of licence.

  5. Isn't it great to see a Union use all avenues to reach its members well done the "RMT"

  6. I have been reading all the stuff posted by the RMT it's great to see all the information that is available. All cab driver's must realise the threat that is upon us from many different directions and the only way forward for us all is to stand together united to fight for our job's
